I wore the closest thing I had to a pantsuit as a junior in college- blue jeans and a white collared vest with pointy white stilettos. A red tank top rounded out the patriotism. Yesterday I voted early for my first election in New York. The eclectic mix of who votes early in Chelsea gave me hope for tomorrow. Crossing fingers that we don’t make it to the tequila.

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Scary indeed! and so painful to recall the misplaced optimist of 2016. So call me a crazy, but the polls for this round are missing the large youth turnout and newly registered women, so I think we'll pick up 2 seats in the Senate and hold the House. Still crossing all fingers and toes.

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Yes, we live in a scary time. I wish I could make an accurate prediction that things will work out, that democracy will be preserved, but America has never been here before. At least, not since the middle of the 19th century. It's usually conservatives who long for the way things used to be, but this time it's the moderates and liberals who long for the way things used to be: when hate, intolerance, bigotry and racism were spurned and rejected.

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Lovely and worrying piece, Debra

I too went to a "victory" party that night. The hosts spared no expense is making it a night to remember. It was, but not for the reason we expected.

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As always, just wonderful. And unfortunately so sad.

As the father of two strong daughters and husband to a strong woman--I wanted Hillary's election to be evidence of Dr. King's famous line: "The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Whatever happens tomorrow, I have to believe that.

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