You are blessed to have these warm memories of your mother. How wonderful it is that your parents made it a priority to have a "date" night once a week.

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Yes, it was wonderful, but while I called it a date night in the essay, I think, to them, it was really more of a social life than anything. No one used the term "date night" back then and I bet it would have seemed silly to them. Still, it was healthy and fun for them, and obviously, for me too! Thank you for always reading my things, Gale. I look forward to your comments.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

And yet other "Magic" occurs when YOU put pen to paper! Despite the "girly" nature of this post, you've done it so well, that even a guy gets it! My only complaint, is that I've become hopelessly hooked & I want to read your writings daily. A tall order, for sure...(but a boy can hope ; )

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Ha!! A boy can hope, but this girl is the slowest writer on the planet! Thank you for liking the way I write, Dave. It means so much to me. xx

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

So sweet! It brings back my own memories of sitting on top of the closed toilet seat (when people still used toilet seat covers) in my mother’s bathroom, watching her get ready to go out. Carefully applying her turquoise cream eye shadow and peachy Maybelline lipstick. And spritzing herself with Rive Gauche. I was mesmerized. I revisit those times often.

“All she could do was be her kind, funny, lovely self—and that was all she knew how to teach me to be.” Your mom succeeded.

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Oh my gosh!!! What an amazingly told memory - I can just see you watching her - and yes, those fluffy toilet seat covers (I hated that we didn't have one.). Turquoise eye shadow. Rive Gauche. All of it. As for your last line, I can't thank you enough, Linda. xx

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

Lovely! A gift for your children to have these stories. And your friends - this evokes many memories - sending me on a trail of thoughts of my mom getting dressed up - and also of my youth discovering makeup - Love's Baby Soft, Bonne Bell and more.

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I've thought often of those products too, Mylene - and am writing one now that involves some of them - Love's Baby Soft and Love's Lotta Lemon... Yardley, Pot O Gloss...Mary Quant... I loved it all.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

This story brought back memories of me and my mother. A lovely story, lovingly told.

Thank you.

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Thank YOU, Marcia!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

Your stories never fail to make me cry.

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I live to make you cry.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

A treasure of a memory! So very well drawn.

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Thank you so much, Ruth!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

You have such a wonderful way of drawing me into your stories! I feel such a rush of childhood memories and emotions every time. Even just the mention of Bambergers. LOL! What a treat! Keep it up…please! ;)

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My mother called it Bam's and when I was really little I somehow thought she knew the Bamberger's.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

I love this! I had every intention of reading a few lines and then continuing later in the day when I had more time but I couldn't stop reading! "Magic"drew me in! First of all, my family made those same English muffin pizza's and it was always a real treat so I really connected with that, and then all of the special moments with your Mom are so delightful. They made me smile and reminisce. Love all of this!

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Wow - Barbara - thank you so much! There may be no better compliment than to know that you stayed longer than you intended - and yes, those English muffin pizzas - I kind of want one now!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

Absolutely lovely, Debra. Took me back to moments like these with my own mother. Thank you xoxo

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Thank YOU, Alice! XOXO

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deletedJan 18, 2023Liked by Debra Fried
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I can't thank you enough, Nancy.

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