I so enjoyed this! And LOL about your cap popping off your conditioned hair!🤣

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Delightful - loved this article. Try a new swim instructor — your Dad was right, it’s a very peaceful exercise routine. I’m a believer. But you may miss Dave and his stories too much… or you can break it up and have variety!

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I'm not sure there's a swim instructor on the planet who could get me to be good at swimming, but who knows? Maybe I'll get there someday! Thank you so much for reading my story!

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Loved this! I also lived the "working mother" guilt - and I'm not a great swimmer either. :)

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kindred spirits!

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I used to swim at the pool at the Worldwide Plaza gym. A total escape. Thank you for another wonderful piece.

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I always envied people who did that - thanks for reading it, Jim.

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I laughed out loud because I could picture you saying "holy moly." Great story!

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Such a great piece, and as a non-swimmer I can fully empathize. I wouldn't have the tolerance for a Stan, though. He and I would have gone our separate ways after one terse word, or look. And I love the solitude that comes with putting in AirPods; the rest of the world can go away.

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Stan made me laugh more than anything, because his outrage was so ridiculous. Thanks for reading - and yes - airpods are a dream.

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I liked this! I laughed out loud a few times, I can totally relate to all your antics at the gym.

Thanks for another great story, Deb.

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I'm glad it made you laugh - I laughed as I wrote it, remembering how mad Stan got at me.

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I love this story. You have captured the torture of not being a brilliant swimmer (I only excel at the backstroke, which I do way too much, never mastering the proper head movements of anything else) and most brilliantly of being a working mom and the terrible little voices we allow in our heads. This is such a beautiful poignant piece, I want to buy a bathing cap.

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But only if it's a flowered one! (bathing cap). xx

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Amen sister!

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Thank you, sister!

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