Aug 9, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

You may not have felt like you were glowing, but this review of your story is.

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Thank you, my clever friend! xx

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Where’s the book? In the works I hope! Loved this read Debra. Xx

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Oh, Moe - I'd love that - truly, I suck at promoting myself and need to figure out how to get better at social media and metrics and all the stuff I hate. Thank you for being so amazingly and unfailingly supportive! xx

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Really funny piece, Debra.

My wife lived at the corner of 7&B back in the day. Fun neighborhood, for sure.

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Thanks, Jim! Yes, it was a lot of fun to be in that neighborhood back then.

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I love this. It made me look back fondly on the memories I made on a tar rooftop in East Village. But I was tan-less Tamara, in the shade slathering on sunscreen and only braving the sun for the juicy conversations.

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You Tan-less Tamara's get the last laugh... and need way less botox! Thank you, Jordan! xx

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Reminds me of my New York experience living with my best friend in a 5th floor walk up on Orchard street. We also spent many hours sunbathing on that roof and smoking on the fire escape :) :) thank you for sharing your memories and even the cringy ones.

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Thank you so much, Jessica!!

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

L-O-V-E this Debra! I can't wait to read it to my girlfriend later tonight (she's routinely asking if you've posted anything new. And when you do, I tell her the good news like a kid sharing a treasured secret)..We are 2 of your most rabid fans! Please keep it coming!!

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That's so sweet, Dave! Sending two lipstick kisses - one for each of you!

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Debra Fried

Like you, I was a good girl from the suburbs who was thrilled to live in a small apartment in Greenwich Village during my 20s. I do remember the emtional roller coaster of the exhilieration of "first meetings" and inevitable disappointments as well as the the post-mortem and root-cause analysis with my best girl friends which was usually more fun than the actual dates.

You were certainly a brave 20-year-old going alone to guy's apartment in the East Village with just an address, a name ,and a heart on your arm. I was much more timid than you! That said, I admire how your pluck and how you survived the incident with your pride in tact despite the wardrobe function. Brava! I was thinking about a final touche for your East Village adventure. I do wish you had written "fuck you" in bold red lipstick on that guy's bathroom mirror.

Thank you for sharing your story. I loved reading it.

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haha - if only I'd thought of that! Actually, I don't think it was his apartment - I think it was a friend's party...but still, Bruno deserved public shaming. Not that he would have cared. So glad the story resonated with you, fellow good girl from the suburbs! I always love your take on what I've written!

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I love, love this story. And so relieved it didn’t have one of those Law & Order SVU endings—not that I wouldn’t have read it. Keep them coming.

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